Tuesday, September 29, 2015

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not a truth." (Marcus Aurelius, Roman leader, philosopher, Stoic).  Discuss.

I don't think absolutely everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Some things we hear may be opinion and other things we hear may be facts. We cannot classify everything people say under just opinion or a fact. If there were no opinions then people would not be individuals. If there were no facts, than there would be no trust. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Personal Philosophy Statement

What I want in life is to check off the boxes. Graduate from high school, go to SMU, get a job at a fashion magazine, live in San Francisco, fall in love, get married, and have kids. Some people say just checking off the boxes is not a good way to live. I disagree. As I check off the boxes in my life, my life will be happening all around me. I will be living, creating memories, getting over struggles, as I strive to check off the next box in line.

Not many people have an idea of what they want to do with the rest of their lives when they are a senior in high school, but I feel like I do. Having these "boxes" in my life motivates me to try and check them off. I want to succeed and by checking off the boxes I will be.

I am on the path of checking off my next box, "graduate from high school". As I strive to check this one off I want to create the best memories I will ever have. I want to look back on my high school years and remember how much fun I had with all of my friends. I believe for most of my friends that is something we really want to achieve this year. Ever since our friend Mason past away, memories have become a priority for us. We all wish we had more memories with Mason, which is why I want to make sure I have memories with everybody. I never want to feel like I didn't get enough time with my friends, because it is the worst feeling I've felt thus far in my life.

I will remember these memories as I look back on the path I took to check off that box.